Massage Therapy | Prenatal Massage | Sports Massage | Cupping


  • Prenatal Massage

  • Pain and Injury Relief

  • Cupping Therapy

  • Deep Tissue Massage

  • Stretching Techniques

Bio: Joy, an accomplished graduate of the Northwestern Health Sciences University Massage Therapy program, brings a wealth of experience to each of her sessions. Her expertise spans a wide array of techniques, allowing her to skillfully personalize treatments for optimal results. Whether it's therapeutic deep tissue, calming relaxation or Swedish massage, targeted sports massage, nurturing prenatal care, reflexology, trigger point, cross-fiber friction massage, myofascial release, or the healing touch of cupping, Joy seamlessly integrates these modalities based on individual client needs. Her approach is centered on delivering tailored sessions that not only address specific pain and injuries but also promote overall well-being and relaxation. Joy’s ability to adapt her techniques to suit diverse requirements makes her a go-to therapist for those seeking comprehensive and effective massage therapy.



